Ready to get out of burnout?   CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED with the QUIZ

Step 1: QUIZ- What's Your Burnout Level (aka Spicy Pepper)?

🌟 Unveil Your Path to Energy Mastery: Take the Burnout Quiz! 🌟

The first step to getting out of burnout is to know where you are on the spicy pepper scale. 

Find out if you're in burnout and if so, what Spicy Pepper level you are experiencing from a Poblano Pepper Level 1 where you have just a bit of heat up to the Level 5 Ghost Pepper where you are "so hot, you're not"!

Plus, get specific insights based on your results to begin your journey to ENERGY MASTERY.

Most burnout inventories fall short for those who are neurodivergent and/or disabled because they only look at 3 or 4 areas of burnout.  NOT here, the Whittington Burnout Inventory looks at 8 different burnout impact areas!!

Is this what you are experiencing?

🌟 If this is you, Your Energy Awaits: Take The Burnout Quiz to Get Started 🌟

Ready to energize?

Welcome to the "Spicy Pepper Burnout" quiz – your gateway to understanding your burnout level combined with the biggest areas of impact including executive function, emotional regulation, physical experience, sensory impact and sleep patterns just to name a few.

This isn't just a quiz; it's your personalized roadmap to unmasking your energy potential and charting a course from burnout to thriving.

The Burnout Quiz: What's Inside? 

  • Discover your unique level of burnout – your Spicy Pepper from a Poblano Pepper to a Ghost Pepper
  • Gain insights into what your current spicy pepper level means
  • The Energy Mastery Map that shows what the journey looks like from burnout to abundant energy
  • Unlock personalized resources to boost your wellbeing today

Why Take the Burnout Quiz? 

This quiz is your key to unveiling your best thriving life, the one that is ALREADY yours my friend.  You don't have to earn it, it's already yours. It's not just about understanding your burnout level; it's about discovering your unique path to Energy Mastery to stay out of burnout for good no matter what life tosses your way. By knowing where you stand on the spicy pepper scale and uncovering key understandings to the Sensory Profile Blueprint, and your Nourishment Keys, you'll be equipped to tailor your restoration, make informed decisions, and embrace your best energy that is FUN and sustainable!

Let's Enerigze Together! 

Your journey isn't just personal – it ripples out to empower those around you. By embracing your Energy Mastery, you inspire others to do the same. This is your chance to shine, radiating energy and goodness in your family, friendships, and community.  Your heart and your dreams matter, YOU matter and I want to guide you there!!

🔥 Take the Burnout Quiz Now! 🔥

Are you ready to get started and stop waiting until the "perfect" time or until you have "enough" energy?

To shift from burnout to boundless energy?

Click below to take the quiz and unveil your unique path to Energy Mastery.

Your Energy begins with a single click.

You are already worthy of your dreams, let's do this together!

AND because I love to help, after you get your Pepper result enter it into the "question" section to get the next step and additional help and free resources.

Take the Quiz to begin today!

3 Modules

STEP 1: QUIZ- What's Your Spicy Pepper Burnout Level?

Are you a Poblano Pepper Level 1 or are you perhaps a Ghost Pepper Level 5.  Take the Quiz and Find out! Get specific pepper help based on your results when you enter your quiz result in the "Question" section.  


STEP 2: Degree of Heat

This is where everyone begins as you establish your Spicy Burnout Level, Burnout experiences, create your list of internal warning signs and we gauge the Degree of Heat within your Spicy Pepper Level.  This is how you will be able to compare and contrast along your restoration journey to gauge your progress.

BOOK PREVIEW of "Unleashing Sustainable Energy"

Get a peek into my new book and learn more. Check out some of the accessibility features including the easy to read font and dyslexic font versions because burnout can impact how you take in information.

Modules for this product 3
Take the QUIZ

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